
How much cheese to plan per person for a raclette?

Quantity calculation tools

Here is a handy tool that will allow you to easily determine the exact amount of cheese, potatoes, onions/pickles, wine and tea you will need to prepare a delicious raclette.

Here is the link: Calculator

But otherwise you can also do it the good old way!

A raclette is a convivial and gourmet meal. It is therefore important to plan the quantity of raclette cheese needed so that everyone can enjoy according to their appetite.

Indeed, you don't want your guests to run out of cheese and the evening to turn into a fiasco!
So, how much cheese should be provided per person?
Everything depends :
  • the number of people you invite
  • of their appetite
  • if you plan to make a dried meat, raw ham and Valais sausage aperitif before!

With a raclette oven with half a wheel of cheese

It takes half a wheel of raclette cheese (about 2.4kg) to serve about 10 people.


So You have to count per person:

  • 240gr of cheese (60gr per raclette)
  • 300gr of potato
  • 80gr of pickles/onions

The average number of raclettes consumed per guest is around 4

With a "raclonnette" style oven

So You have to count per person:

  • 200gr of cheese (40gr per raclette)
  • 300gr of potato
  • 80gr of pickles/onions

The average number of raclettes consumed per guest is around 5


This amount may vary depending on the type of cheese you are using. Indeed, some cheeses are fattier or tastier than others, so guests will be satiated more quickly.

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